I grew up on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland and also in Northern Virginia. I graduated from Virginia Tech with a degree in film production and a degree in music- Class of 1986. Dirty Dancing was my first PA job. - yes that one.

I lived and worked in NYC for many years as an actor BUT I worked with Al Pacino, Willem Defoe, among many others. I studied all over the city and later in Los Angeles with The Groundlings. I had a decent run- just not my thing, ultimately.

I gripped, propped, camera assisted, PAed, and hustled breakfast on movies and shoots on both coasts in the 80’s and 90’s. Hustle is the key word here.

I was even the first Terra Chips deliveryman in Manhattan. Some chips were reported missing.

At one point, I played music all across the country with a blue-eyed soul band, some well known country bands, German Oompah bands for Anheuser-Busch, and in several Broadway pit orchestras. Lots of great gigs- I was a percussionist- insert drummer joke here.

I was Road Manager for Dwight Yoakum - I toured Europe and the US with him— managed his special appearances in films, radio, and TV. He is a riot.

I ran a Bobcat for my brother’s excavation company - sometimes successfully.

I was a bank teller at the Empire State Building with a zero balance account for many years with The National Westminster Bank. Wearing a tie, not losing a penny.

I was a member of the National Ski Patrol and have skied for adventure shoots with big accounts named for fruit.

I ride motorcycles and love the outdoors. I also ride horses and can quickdraw and spin heavy colt pistols. Fact.

I work with Veterans, fire, police and rescue workers who suffer from complex PTS as a part of Save A Warrior. Please see and understand what they do.

I scuba dive with my 12 year old daughter in places like The Maldives and in the Bahamas. Where next?

I have been waterboarded.

I have been a first assistant director now- full time- and loving it for over 20 years.

I could go on- but we are out of time. Thank you.

The had placement adds something, no?

The hand placement adds something, no?